This page contains some travel tips and tricks that may be useful for your next trip. I’ll also share some of my favorite travel stories, as well as some of my worst, so you can learn from them.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact me via the social media platforms listed below. Keep dreaming, people!
Watch the video on the left to see how I managed to travel around Europe on the cheap by myself.
Cheers! – Arista
I could say that traveling has opened my eyes to the world. It makes me realize how big the world is and how small I am, as well as that there are many beautiful places that we can visit. I’ve been to 42 countries so far and still have a long list of places to visit. Each location I visited provided me with unique stories and experiences, which is what I enjoy most about traveling. Of course, not all of them are positive, but they have taught me how to be stronger in this world.
When I was 19, I embarked on my first solo trip abroad to Malaysia and Thailand (it supposed to be India). India has always been my dream country to visit because of its culture and colorful cities, but my parents did not allow me to travel there alone. As you are aware, India is not a safe place for female travelers. I wish Indonesian parents were as easygoing as Western parents, but I am Indonesian after all, so I have to work harder to persuade my parents to let me go. Instead, I purchased tickets to Malaysia and Thailand. And, indeed! After that, I became addicted to travel.
I traveled around Europe alone for a month with Interrail in 2014, and it was an incredible trip. It’s amazing to see new places, people, and cultures, to hear different languages, and to try new foods. My dream had come true! I couldn’t believe it!
In 2015, also I hitchhiked alone through Scandinavian and Eastern European countries. It was a crazy idea at first, but I decided to do it anyway! Carrying my red backpack and tent everywhere, getting into random cars with strangers to keep moving, tenting and sleeping in the woods and snowy mountains. What an adventure! I’ll never forget how cool it was, and I’ll never know if I’ll be brave enough to stand on the edge of the road with my thumb, as well as sleeping in the Norwegian woods alone.
My travel stories are not always good. Do you know that I dealt with so many crazy things when I was traveling alone as a woman? I had to deal with a man who masturbated next to me in the middle of a wine yard, almost got kidnapped in Turkey, as well as being sexually harassed in Norway and Israel. Traveling alone is not always easy, and at some point, it transforms you into a stronger woman.
In the end, traveling is not only about how many places you have visited, but also about the experience you get and the people you meet. That is why I love to travel!
On this page, I will share my travel stories and itineraries for my trip. Hopefully, they will be helpful for you guys.
Thank you, Arista
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